HKD $435.00 $450.00

沒有庫存 SKU: SKX0100313-000-00

容量 80 g

10+ 已售出

* Promotion

免運費訂單超過 HKD 299

「SK-II Facial Treatment 淨肌護膚卸妝霜」可讓處於疲憊沉睡狀態的肌膚回復生氣,為之後的護膚過程做好準備。「SK-II Facial Treatment 淨肌護膚卸妝霜」有效提供水分滋養,在潔淨同時修護,並卸載所有彩妝及污垢。 這款質感柔滑的潔面霜,為肌膚提供滋養同時去除彩妝痕跡,是晶瑩剔透的第一步。「SK-II Facial Treatment 淨肌護膚卸妝霜」含油質配方,輕輕按摩肌膚即能包裏肌膚表面,與彩妝、油脂及髒垢完整融合,溫和卸載肌膚表面所有多餘雜質。更加入濃縮 Pitera(TM)、白楊萃取物、SymCalmin® 及燕麥組成的溫和修護精華。使用後肌膚光滑柔軟,豐潤滋養。

Take 2.5cm diameter of the cream and melt it by rubbing between palms. Take a little cream to dot onto dry skin at forehead, cheeks and chin. Envelop the entire face to spread the cream with both palms. Gentle massage with spiral stroke from lower to upper part of the face.

